News & Pics By: Sheldon Williams, Glen Saldanha & Prajwal D’Sa, Pakshikere

The ICYM Pakshikere unit with collaboration with YCS Pakshikere unit had organized a Yuva Samavesh on the 12th of August 2018, in the premises of Mr. and Mrs. Tauro in their estate at 9.30am till 5.00pm on the same day. The program ‘Yuva Samavesh 2018’ began with the Holy Mass in the Church, later the youth of both ICYM and YCS of the Pakshikere unit journeyed together to the venue and the inauguration of the program began in a systematic manner. The program began with aprayer song invoking the blessings of the Almighty; Rev. Fr. Melwyn Noronha addressed the gathering by saying “The youth of today have the power to change the world into a better place, but the only problem is that they don’t know how to do things that will make this change into reality, the problem is that they may not have oriented their thoughts tothe right role model”. Sr. Margret OP also spoke on the occasion.

The ICYM members also felicitated Mr. and Mrs. Tauro for their untiring support and always encouraging the youth to do great things in small ways. The members also felicitated Ms. Jennifer Saldanaha.


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