ICYM Pakshikere Unit celebrated 73rd Indian Independence Day on 15th August 2019 at St Jude Church Pakshikere. The day began with the Holy Eucharistic celebration.

After the mass the Parishioners joined together with the Students of St. Jude School at the church premises to celebrate the Independence day. The school band escorted the Chief Guest of the day's event Rev. Fr. Rahul D'souza - Asst. PP of Pakshikere, Fr. Melwyn Noronha - parish priest of pakshikere, Mr. Jackson Saldanha the vice-president of Parish pastrol council and the Headmistres of St. Jude school to the flag post.

Rev. Fr. Rahul hoisted the Indian tricolour flag after which all sang the National anthem along with the melodious band. After the flag hoisting ceremony Fr. Rahul delivered his speech wherein he explained the importance of the day's event. He also praised the students whose patriotism towards the nation was so high that even when it started to rain heavily they never moved.

The students of St. Jude school had planned a wonderful program. The school choir sang few patriotic songs and also delivered a meaningful speech.

Later the ICYM members distributed sweets to all the people gathered.

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Parish Priest/Director
St. Jude Thaddaeus Church & Shrine
Pakshikere, Kemral Post, 574 146
Via. Haleangady, Karnataka, India

Shrine Office: +91 82779 39389
Rev. Fr. Anil D'Souza: +91 77959 47579

Email: [email protected]