Ceremony of Christmas began with the carols singing at around 7.30pm in the church. It was done by ward wise. After the carol singing solemn Eucharistic celebration began. Fr Vijay Machado, the assistant director of Diocesan Liturgical centre was the main celebrant. Fr. Andrew Leo D’ Souza, the parish priest of St. Jude Church and Fr. Jesudas the Assistant Parish Priest of St. Jude church concelebrated the mass. After the mass there was a celebration of Christmas by cutting the Christmas Cake and some games were conducted for the people to double our joy. That days programme was organized by our YCS students.
A nice crib was made in our church campus facing to the road with creative and innovative ideas. It was well appreciated by all. Mr. Walter, the local contractor of our parish and his team struggled day and night to prepare the beautiful crib.