Dec 13, 3015 : The people of Velankani Ward Celebrated their feast remembering Their Patron ‘Our Lady of Velankani’. Many People from the ward participated in the Eucharistic celebration in the morning. They came in procession to Altar and offered flowers to Our Lady. In the evening there was get together in one of the house of the ward. All the people gathered along with Parish Priest Assistant Parish Priest and the regent. The Vice President and other parish council Members were present for the gathering. The Gurkar Mrs. Shaila D’souza welcomed all and gave flowers for all the guests. The Parish Priest, the Assistant Parish Priest, the Regent and the Vice president Spoke and wished well for the ward leaders and the ward people. One of the Non – catholic Rickshaw driver Mr. Leeladar who is very helpful for all people was honored on this occasion. There was cultural program conducted by the ward children. At the end meals were served for all people. Nearly 150 people gathered for the festive celebration of the ward.

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Pakshikere, Kemral Post, 574 146
Via. Haleangady, Karnataka, India

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Rev. Fr. Anil D'Souza: +91 77959 47579

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