A Report by-Miss Fenella Sharon D’Souza

The first meeting of the year was held in June, 2010 under Fr.Anil D souza. From then onwards the sodality meeting have been held regularly every Sunday from 10.30 am to 11.30 am.  As animators Sr Florine, Sr.Pramila, Sr.Catherine and Sr.Kavitha of the Dominican Convent help us out in the meetings. We are 74 members in the sodality.  We have been divided into four groups headed by four leaders for better coordination and service. These groups conduct
meetings, prayer services and other activities.


 Following are the activities conducted for us during the year 2010-2011.
1. Rev. Fr. Alfred D souza the  Asst.Director of the Gladsome home, conducted a day input session regarding-  growing in holiness in July . He gave inputs on values,goals etc. The session was made interesting by games and sing-songs.

2. On 03-10-2010 Alter Servers’ day was celebrated with lots of programmes. On this day 32 new alter children were inducted into the sodality. A short stage programme was held in the parish hall later.

3. The Crib competition was held among the four groups. The groups even prepared wonderful greeting cards and stars.

4. During his Pastoral Visit in March, his lordship Bishop Rev.Dr.Aloysius D souza met us all and we had a short interaction with him.

5. On April 20 we had gone to Pilgrimage to Goa. There were 32 members in the group. Fr. Anil D’ souza, Mrs. Lucy D souza, Mr. Sandeep Cuthinho and two Sisters Antonyamma and Gracy accompanied us. It was a wonderful moment for all of us as we spent three days in Goa.

We would like to thank all those who have guided us throughout the year. We remember specially Fr.Anil,  Sr Florine, Sr.Pramila, Sr.Catherine and Sr.Kavitha for their guidance and care. We thank the office bearers President- Mr Amit Serrao, Vice President - Pearl Pinto, Treasurer- Jyothi Saldhan , Games and Sports – Miss Carolin Aranha and Mr Vergil Miranda and group leaders Miss Shalet Castilino, Miss Reena D’Souza, Miss Vinitha Cutinho and Mr Nigel Miranda for their active participation and enthusiasm.


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Parish Priest/Director
St. Jude Thaddaeus Church & Shrine
Pakshikere, Kemral Post, 574 146
Via. Haleangady, Karnataka, India

Shrine Office: +91 82779 39389
Rev. Fr. Anil D'Souza: +91 77959 47579

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