Here I am Pearl Pinto to tell you about my two years of experience in Altar Servers’ Sodality. First of all I would like to thank God for giving me an opportunity to be an Altar Server. As a girl I was happy to be an Altar Server. In every Parish this chance is not given to girls. But in our parish Fr. Alban and Fr. Anil have given this equal opportunity for girls to be altar servers.

In these two years in the Sodality I have got many experiences. First of all my interest in prayer has increased. Whenever I was at the Altar assisting the priests, I felt being closer to God and I always felt that it was better to be Altar Sever. The Sodality Meetings held every week have helped me to grow physically and mentally due to the different activities that were conducted during the year. I have experienced the love, care and help of other children through these meetings. During these meetings I got an opportunity to meet and share my experiences. The activities conducted have helped me to grow holistically. This has built up the unity among us all. The Pilgrimage to Goa was marvelous! I enjoyed a lot.

As I conclude again I give thanks to the Lord God for giving me such an opportunity to be a Altar Server. I also thank Fr. Alban and Fr. Anil for their guidance and support. My special gratitude is for my friends for their love and care they showed towards me. As I am finishing my term in the Sodality I feel sad that I will miss all these experiences in future.

By – Pearl Pinto
Mother Theresa Ward


Hello it’s me Reena D souza of 10th Std. I am really feeling sad that I am moving out of the Altar Servers’ Sodality. I have given service in this group for the past two years.  They were just like few hours in my hand. Everything in this Sodality was going good due to God’s grace. I have always felt these following lines in my life when I worked for the sake of Jesus Christ. He always guided me and told me that “in life when you get trouble, do not get nervous. Just close your eyes and follow your heart because heart may be in the left but it is always right.” These lines increased my self-confident.

In the first year of my service I was elected as the sports in-charge. I felt my talents in sports have grown much better than ever. It was fun to be a part of the group. In the second year I was elected as a
leader of a group. I feel that I have done my best for the group. It’s all due to the support of my group members and my group animator Sr. Pramila. If she had not guided me, I would not be a better leader. she has been my backbone for all my works and service.

This year we had very good activities including sessions by different Priests, which made us children a Shining star of the Altar. My parents have encouraged me with faith in God that I would get closer to the love of the Lord. I personally feel that the Lord loves me a lot and that He has given me an Opportunity to serve Him. The pilgrimage that was conducted in this year to Goa was fantastic.  It was really a God experience.

My experience as an Altar Server cannot be expressed in words but I have shared it from the bottom of my heart. So now I depart with a heavy heart, telling everyone good bye. As I depart I would like to suggest some useful emergency numbers I have known form the Bible to experience God’s love

1. When you are in trouble – call Psalm 91.
2. When you are in sorrow - call John 14
3. When you feel lonely - call Psalm 37.
4. When you are depressed - call Psalm 27.
5. When in fear - call Isaiah 41.
6. When you want love – Call Isaiah 43.

So I want to tell everyone that Lord is always with you. I thank God for always guiding me and making me feel His presence through Fr. Alban and Fr. Anil and all our animators. So that’s how I spent my two years and I feel I am a perfect person who understood that God is everywhere and needs your love.

By – Reena D souza.
Veilankani Ward


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