Dec 4:The Alter Server’s day was celebrated today during the 8:00am mass. This day was especially dedicated to the parish altar servers to thank and pray for them. All dressed up in white like little angels entered the parish in the procession. During the mass Rev.Fr.Sunil Pinto specially prayed for them and thanked them for their service. The day’s liturgy was coordinated by the altar servers. After the mass a short cultural program was arranged by the altar servers. They presented dances, skits and joke to entertain the audience.
The president of Alter servers’ association Nigel Miranda coordinated the program. Rev.Fr.Sunil Pinto entertained and encouraged the gathering with his words. The Sister of Maria Kripalaya and Rev.Fr.Sunil Pinto had organised various games and activities for them. The programme ended with the lunch.We thank all the altar servers for their selfless service during the mass and pray that God may shower his choicest blessings upon them and keep them happy always.