May 7:The ICYM unit of our parish had their election for new office bearers for the year 2012-13 on the 29th of April. The election was held in the parish mini hall under the guidance of Rev. Fr. Sunil Pinto. All the present members of ICYM and would be members too casted their votes for their candidates. The results of the election were announced officially on 6th during the 8:00am mass by Rev. Fr. Andrew Leo D’Souza and thanked the outgoing team for their service. We wish all the best for the new office bearers of ICYM and may our parish unit be raised to the greater heights during your tenure.


Following are new office bearers of ICYM 2012 - 13.


1. President : Ms. Flavia Cutinho, St.Jude Ward


2.Vice President : Mr. Joyson Saldanha, Sacred Heart Ward.



3. Secretary: Ms. Manira Miranda, Mother Teresa Ward.



4. Joint Secretary:  Mr.Johnson Cutinho, St. Jude Ward.


5. Varado Representatives : (1) Mr. Chetan Rodrigues, Mother Teresa Ward.



(2) Mr. Santhosh Saldanha, Mother Teresa Ward.




6. Cultural Coordinator : Mr. Jackson Saldanha, Sacred Heart Ward.



 7. Sports Secretary : Mr. Robin Cutinha, St. Jude Ward.



8. Auditor: Mr. Briston Miranda,  Mother Teresa Ward.


      9. Liturgy Coordinator : Ms. Carol Pereira, St. Jude Ward.



10. Treasurer: Mr. Wilson Almeida, Sacred Heart Ward.









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St. Jude Thaddaeus Church & Shrine
Pakshikere, Kemral Post, 574 146
Via. Haleangady, Karnataka, India

Shrine Office: +91 82779 39389
Rev. Fr. Anil D'Souza: +91 77959 47579

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