Oct. 15: The St. Jude Ward of Pakshikere Parish has celebrated their ward feast on 14th October 2012 as a family. There was a thanksgiving Mass at 8 a.m in the Church and in the evening the ward people came together at Benedicta Cutinho's house for the reception. The Programme was well organized by the core committee of the ward, there was cultural Programme by the children and  games conducted  both for the adults and for the children. Fr. Sunil pinto led the prayer service, Bro Prem Cutinho was the chief guest of the day. Mr. Lawrence Cutinho  the ward leadre welcomed the gathering. Mis Carol and Mrs Zita Cutinho compered the function, towards the end of the Progamme high tea was provided to all.



































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Parish Priest/Director
St. Jude Thaddaeus Church & Shrine
Pakshikere, Kemral Post, 574 146
Via. Haleangady, Karnataka, India

Shrine Office: +91 82779 39389
Rev. Fr. Anil D'Souza: +91 77959 47579

Email: [email protected]