On Sunday, December 13, 2015 , Year of mercy was inaugurated in St. Jude Church and Shrine. It was Well Organized by the parish Clergy. People gathered in the church for the Morning Prayers, after the prayer the Parish Priest Fr. Andrew Leo D’souza Spoke about the importance of the year of mercy and read the Circular of the Bishop regarding the inauguration of the Year of mercy and importance of this year as it is indented by the Holy Father. From there all the people along with the priests proceeded to the Portico of the church and gathered in front of the church. Then the parish priest gave the introduction and called all the six ward leaders for choosing their resolutions for the mercy year based on the word of God. Each ward gurkars came forward and chose a word of God and a Resolution on it the parish priest loudly read the same and gave placards to all the Ward gurkars, they were standing in the portico holding the placard in their hands. Fr.Abraham SVD, conducted the ceremony. And at the end opened the main door of the parish church and inaugurated the year of mercy. The people and the priests entered the church while the choir sang a appropriate hymn. At the end of the mass there was Adoration and the parish priest and the parishners openly declared the resolutions before the Eucharistic Lord. Then the benediction was given and thus year of Mercy was inaugurated in our parish.