The catechism classes in the parish are actively conducted with the support of Fr. Alban D souza and Fr. Anil D souza. There are 10 teachers who conduct these classes with utmost care so that the parish children are given better understanding of faith and church. There are only 75 parish students attending catechism classes in Konkani and the students from the boarding are taught catechism in Kannada. The catechism class and the mass are compulsory for the children, so no exemptions are made in this regard. The classes commence on every Sunday at 8:15am till 9:15 am then the children participate in the mass where liturgy is conducted by the children according to classes. The teachers are also kept up to date with time to time updates through seminars etc. Every two months the teachers meet and share their experiences and give suggestions for further improvement. The catechism day is organised every year and meritorious students are felicitated.

Report by -  Sr. Florine, Asst. Director of catechism.



















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Pakshikere, Kemral Post, 574 146
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Rev. Fr. Anil D'Souza: +91 77959 47579

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