Report by the Secretary –  Ms.Anitha Mendonca.

ICYM Pakshikere Parish Unit was established in 1993 by Late Rev.Fr.R.C.Moras with the motto ‘Leadership through Service”. This year’s first meeting was held on May 23rd, 2010 in which new members were elected for the various portfolios.

President –  Mr.Briston Miranda.

Vice-President –  Ms.Nikitha Vas.

Secretary –  Ms.Anitha Mendonca.

Treasurer –  Mr.Chethan Rodrigues.

Cultural co-ordinator – Mr.Steevan D souza

Sports co-ordinator –  Mr. Merwyn Saldanha & Ms.Flavia.

Amcho Yuvak representative – Mr.Joyal Saldanha

Varado representative –  Mr.Reshma Cutinho & Mr.Joyson Saldanha.

The year’s activities began with an input session by Mr.Steevan Pinto, Permanur on July 11th in our parish hall. The session was found very useful by the members. On July 13th Vanamahotsava was organised in the Parish. As the chief guest Mr.Sharath Shetty, reporter of VijayaKarnataka and the former member of Kinnigoli Rotary Club were present.

Independence Day was celebrated on 15th of August in the Parish premises. Ms.Joythi Saldanha was the MC for the program. On this occasion ICYM former president Mr.Jackson Saldanha was felicitated. During his tenure our Parish Unit was selected as the Best Unit in the diocese. We also actively participated in the survey conducted by the diocese on youth. On August 22nd Taize prayer was organised by the ICYM for the parish youth and the parishnors. On 29th one day program ‘Yuva Samavesh’ was organised for the Varado ICYM units. Rev.Fr.Jerome presided over the program and there were three resource persons for the inputs.

In September, Teachers day was celebrated on 5th. All the teachers from our Parish were felicitated. Mr.Alban Rodrigues was present as the chief guest for the function. Mrs.Puspa K. our school Headmistress was felicitated for her service. ICYM was actively involved in all the activities organised during the Golden Jubilee celebrations of our Parish.

In December ICYM organised Christmas Day celebrations after the night vigil mass. A beautiful crib and a star were done by the members. We bagged third place in the cultural program organised by the Varado ICYM unit.

In May ICYM brought out Parish Telephone Directory.It was released by Rev.Fr.Baptist Menezes, Episcopal Vicar, Udupi district. The last activity of the year, a three day long picnic was arranged for the Parish ICYM members in which 24 members took part.



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Parish Priest/Director
St. Jude Thaddaeus Church & Shrine
Pakshikere, Kemral Post, 574 146
Via. Haleangady, Karnataka, India

Shrine Office: +91 82779 39389
Rev. Fr. Anil D'Souza: +91 77959 47579

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