St. Jude Thaddeus Church, Pakshikere opened a new chapter in its history on 6th June 1993 by starting the CYM [Catholic Youth Movement) under the guidance of Rev R. C Moras. Ever since its inception, it has become a forum for the personality development enthusiastic youth of the parish. It has run a race for 17 years with the goal -‘leadership through service’. We are happy to present you a report of our activities during the year 2009 - 2010 under the direction of Rev. Fr Alban D’ Souza and Rev. Fr. Anil D’ Souza  as the assistant. Sr. Lolita B.S from Kinnigoli and Mr. Deepak D’ Souza are our animators.

The following are the office bearers for the year 2009-10.

President                    –              Jackson Saldanha

Vice President           –                Jayona D’ Souza

Secretary                    –               Chetan Joy Rodrigues

Joint Secretary            –              Joyce Menezes

Treasurer                     –              Vincent Patrao

Liturgical Secretary     –             Mervin Saldanha

Sports Secretary         –               Joel D’ Souza

Amcho Yuvak Representative – Mervin Machado

Varado Representative –            Briston Miranda & Alen Joel D’ Souza

Jackson Saldanha was also elected as the vice president of ICYM in Kinnigoli deanery committee and Chetan Joy Rodrigues elected as the representative of our parish Pakshikere for the Kinnigoli deanery ICYM.

Our Activities:

1.      Cleaning of our Parish Cemetery was done on 5th of July by the members.

2.       Parish Youth get-together (convention) was held at St. Jude Church hall on 19th July. The resource persons for the day were Rev. Fr. Melvin Noronha & Mrs. Savitha Periera. They spoke on problems that the youth face in the present scenario and the measures to over come it.

3.      Vanamathotsava was celebrated in St. Jude School Pakshikere on 29th July and in the Parish on 2nd August. The Vanamathotsava was celebrated to bring awareness among people of protecting the environment. The celebration ended with distribution of saplings.

4.      The members of ICYM in collaboration with the ‘Shanti Stri Sangatan (women’s association) repaired the road from Pakshikere to Haleyangady on 6th August.

5.      Assumption of Our Lady and Independence Day were celebrated on 15th August. The responsibility of liturgy was led by the ICYM members.  Rev. Fr. James Quadros from Jamshedpur Diocese hoisted the flag and gave a message of Independence Day. Sweets were distributed to share the joy of the day.

6.      On September 6th Teachers’ Day was celebrated by organizing felicitation programme for teachers and a token of appreciation was presented to each one of them.

7.      The ICYM members in collaboration with the Fr. Muller’s Medical College, Kankanady & the Association of Auto Rickshaw Drivers Pakshikere organized blood donation camp on October 19th. 40 donors were present.

8.       Eight of ICYM members participated in the retreat organized by the Diocesan ICYM at Divine Call Center in Mulky.

9.      All members actively participated in the parish feast as volunteers and some of the members with help of YCS members collected funds by putting up ice cream & games stalls.

10.    In the month of December many activities and programme were organized as preparation for Christmas such as, Sports day, Talents day, Crib and Star making competition. After Christmas night mass, housie game, cake draw and prize distribution were conducted.

11.    ICYM members participated in the crib and star making competition organized by a local T V channel Namma T.V and won the first prize in crib making.

12.    On behalf of the parish the ICYM members collected the charities from the parish community for the needy people affected by the floods in north Karnataka.

13.    The ICYM members presented a one act play and a dance in the entertainment programme organized by the Deanery Catholic Youth Movement (DCYM) Kinnigoli in Kinnigoli church.

The ICYM thanks Rev. Fr. Alban D’ Souza, Fr. Anil D’ Souza and animators for their encouragement and support. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the parishioners, well-wishers and donors for your support and co-operation.

Report: Chetan Joy Rodrigues, Secretary.


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Parish Priest/Director
St. Jude Thaddaeus Church & Shrine
Pakshikere, Kemral Post, 574 146
Via. Haleangady, Karnataka, India

Shrine Office: +91 82779 39389
Rev. Fr. Anil D'Souza: +91 77959 47579

Email: [email protected]