Shanthi Women’s Association was started in Pakshikere St Jude Church on 5th of Jan 2003 by Rev. Fr Basil Vas.

At present following are the office bearers:
President                        -   Mrs Margaret Saldanha
Vice President                  -   Mrs Mable Cutinho
Treasurer                        -   Mrs Flavy D’ Souza
Secretary                        -   Mrs Hyacinth Miranda
Joint Secretary                -   Mrs Lucy D’ Souza
Varado Representative      -   Miss Theresa Sequeira

The women organization is aimed at empowerment of women by organizing awareness programmes. This is a forum for women to discuss their problems and find the solutions.  Various programmes that are organized and participated by the members help them to develop leadership qualities among them.

Following is the brief report of their recent activities held in the year 2009 - 2010.
All the members actively participated in the international Women’s Day celebration held at Mulky on 8th of March 2009. We presented a cultural programme on this occasion. We also actively participated in the ‘parish day’ celebration held on 26th of April. Our members contributed a free labour in the voluntary public service on Pakshikere – Haleangady road along with the ICYM members.

All the office bearers participated in the ‘office bearers’ meeting’ held at the Bishop’s house on 29th of September. During the Parish Feast of our Church our members actively participated as volunteers rendering service in cleaning, cooking and serving food. There was ‘Sthri Sammelan’ get-together of the diocese was held on 24th Feb 2010 at Mukka Church and all the members participated in it. Mrs. Flavy D’ Souza of our unit was the master of ceremony.  We actively participated in the Talents day, Sports day and various programmes organized by ICYM. During Christmas, we visited every house of our parish singing carol and sharing Christmas joy.

A deanery level International Women’s Day was celebrated on the 7th march this year at Pakshikere church hall.  Many women of our deanery actively participated in it. Each parish presented 15mins cultural programme. The liturgy was meaningful.  After the Mass all the members gathered in the church hall for the breakfast followed by cultural programme. Mrs Lucy D’ Souza welcomed the gathering. The inaugural ceremony was splendid.  Sr. Anitha Frank passed the Women’s Day flag to the presidents of various association of the deanery and finally Mrs Mable Cutinho- vice president of our association on behalf of the president erected it in the respective place and all sang the anthem of the association. We gave a start to the cultural programme with a play on ‘Gossip’ and a song by our unit. This was followed by cultural items by different parishes. We had renowned guest for the formal function Rev.  Fr. Alfred Pinto, Rev.  Fr. Alban D’ Souza, Rev.  Fr.  Anil D’ Souza, Rev. Sr. Margaret Koottuthara, Rev. Sr. Agnes Frank, Mrs Leena Roch the D.C.C.W President, Ms. Viola Maria, Mr Louis D’Souza, and Mrs. Edna the Varaado president were on the stage. The candidates of the Dominican sisters welcomed the guests with a dance. The vice president Mable Cutinho made a formal welcome to guests on dais. Chief guest Rev. Fr. Alfred Pinto addressed the gathering and gave the massage

Mrs. Edna read the Varado report.  Sr.Agnes Frank shared her views about Women’s day celebration and D.C.C.W president Mrs.  Leena  Roch wished all women  and spoke few encouraging words to the women.  Ms.  Viola Maria as the resource person of the day gave awareness talk on women empowerment and women’s rights and evil of harassment of women in present time. Fr. Alban spoke on how women should help and encourage their husbands to come forward and he wished them all good luck.

Mrs. Hyacinth Miranda the secretary of our unit gave the vote of thanks to all. Rev. Fr. Anil D’ Souza summed up the whole programme with a blessing over the food. Then the lunch was served to all who gathered.

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St. Jude Thaddaeus Church & Shrine
Pakshikere, Kemral Post, 574 146
Via. Haleangady, Karnataka, India

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Rev. Fr. Anil D'Souza: +91 77959 47579

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