March 17:On Sunday the 4th, of March, Kinnigoli Varado celebrated the Women’s Day at Bi-Centenary Hall Kirem, Secretary of Jyothi Shtree Sangatan Kirem Mrs., Severine Lobo welcomed the dignitaries and the guests. Women from7 Parishes of the Kinnigoli Varado took active part in the celebration with skits, dances, jokes and variety of entertainment and informative programmes.

Mrs. Mariamma Thomas, a lawyer by profession and a active politician was a honorable guest, in her message to the congregation, she stressed the need of today’s women to take active part in politics as well as other fields Prizes were given to the winner of variety programmes through Rev, Fr. Alfred Pinto, 1st, Prize was grabbed by the women of Ujwal Shtree Sangatan, Kinnigoli Parish, 2nd, Prize went to Jyothi Shtree Sangatan of Kirem Parish, 3rd, prize went to Prajwal Shtree Sangatan of Kateel Paris.Mrs., Flavia Suvaris, president of the sector conducted the vote of thanks, and Sr, Richardson an active member of the Sangatan said grace and then, all joined for a family meal.
Pakshikere Women's association performing